1974, Bologna, Italy
Almach Art Gallery is pleased to announce the exclusive representation for italy and curatorship of the General Archive of artist Daniela Gullotta.
Artista in grado di restituire vitalità ad edifici che solo all’apparenza sembrano vuoti e fatiscenti. Con pennellate e segni decisi Gullotta è in grado di far sentire la sua presenza vibrante, creando immagini di una intensa forza introspettiva.
Daniela Gullotta, among the most established and promising contemporary artists, has joined Almach Art Gallery, the gallery that is leading new trends in contemporary art in Milan. Gullotta will follow up with her historic galleries, Marlborough Fine Art in London and Koch in Hanover, thus creating a strong synergy for the international market.
During an interview, Gullotta said, "I met Luca Temolo Dall'Igna, and right away I sensed that he would be my reference gallery for Italy, having found a perfect fit for the development of my creative activity and the curatorship of exhibitions and collectors."
Suoi lavori sono stati in passato avvicinati alle opere di Anselm Kiefer (n. 1945) e di Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1770), ma nei dipinti della Gullotta l’assenza di colore rende gli spazi particolarmente eterei, permettendo così di sollevarli idealmente per trasportarli in nuovi luoghi e a nuova vita.
This is the summary of Daniela Gullotta's work: exploration, discovery, memorization and re-presentation of ancient or historicized and, in many cases, almost forgotten images.
All through the creation of works that are "strong" in terms of the visual impact given by the subject matter and in many cases the important size, necessary to better allow us a deep immersion in them.
Anche sul mercato i dipinti di Daniela Gullotta sono molto apprezzati. Le opere di maggior importanza si trattano regolarmente tra i 10 e i 30mila Euro e il trend è in continua crescita con altissimi potenziali di sviluppo.
In a statement, gallery owner Luca Temolo Dall'Igna of Almach Art Gallery said, "To be able to work with Daniela Gullotta is an honor that pushes us to give more and more."
2023 ‘Urbex’ Almach Art Gallery, Milano
2022 ‘Presence and Absence’ Crean&Company Gallery, Londra
2018 ‘London known and Unknown’ Marlborough Fine Art, Londra
2016 ‘La possibilità del futuro’ Galleria L’Ariete, Bologna
2014 ‘Visioni’ Galleria San Pietro in Atrio, Como
2011 ‘Views of Rome: a personal tribute to Piranesi’
Marlborough Fine Art, Londra
2009 ‘Architektonisce Relikte’ Junge Kunst, Wolfsburg
2008 ‘Architectonic Relicts’ Galerie Koch, Hannover
2006 ‘Signs of Forgotten Spaces’ Marlborough Fine Art, Londra
2003 ‘Interiors’ Marlborough Fine Art, Londra
2022 ‘6 artist’ Crean&Company Gallery, Londra
2021 ‘L’Emozione femminile nelle arti. Poetiche, tecniche e materiali nelle ricerche contemporanee in Emilia- Romagna’, Assemblea Legislativa della Regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna
Grün, Galerie Koch, Hannover
BePart- The largest collective Show ever, Roma
2020 ‘65 Jahre Galerie Koch’ Galerie Koch, Hannover
2017 ‘Vom Stadel zum Wolkenkratzer: Architekturdarstellungen’ Galerie Koch, Hannover
2016 ‘Blau’ Galerie Koch, Hannover
2015 ‘En cuerpo y Alma-Mujeres Artistas de los Siglos XX-XXI’, Kubo Kutxa Fundazioa, San Sebastian, Spagna
2014 ‘A window that isn’t there’ StrangeNeighbour Gallery, Melbourne, AU
2013 ‘Altrove-Luogo o Poesia’ Catania Art Gallery, Catania
2011 ‘Lascia un segno’ Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna
2009 ‘Gullotta,Outlon,Pilkington’ Galerie Arque, Lisbona
2008 ‘9 artists’ Marlborough Fine Art, Londra
2007 ‘Stranger Geography’ Monash University, Prato
2005 ‘50 Jahre Galerie Koch’ Galerie Koch, Hannover
2004 ‘Perpektiven’ Galerie Koch, Hannover
‘Architectonic Views’ A Gallery, Londra
2003 ‘Eloge de l’immobilite et du silence’
Fondation D’Art Contemporain Guerlain, Parigi
2002 ‘Project 10’ Wimbledon Gallery, Londra
‘Prospects’ Essor Gallery, Londra
‘SO 02’ Nunnery Gallery, Londra
‘Painting and Photography’ Art First Gallery, Londra
‘The BOC Emerging Artist Award 2002’ Finalist show, BOC Windlesham
2001 ‘Still’ Vertigo Gallery, Londra
‘RCA Secret’ Royal College of Art, Londra
‘11 artists from the RCA in London’ Museum of Contemporary Art in Denmark- Roskilde
‘Contemporary Dialogue’ Marlborough Fine Art, Londra
‘TI group collection’ Sothebys, Olympia-Londra
‘4 Italian Artists’ Paul Morris Gallery, New York
2000 ‘Chase’ Royal College of Art, Londra
‘Painting 2000’ Royal College of Art, Londra
‘Assembly’ Stepney City, Londra
‘CAS Contemporary Art Society Market’ Royal Festival Hall, Londra
‘Between painting and photography’ Exit Art Gallery, New York
‘Urban Paintings’ Albemarle Gallery, Londra
1999 ‘Underground’ ENSBA, Parigi
1998 ‘Mostra giovani artisti’ City Council exhibition room, Bologna
1997 ‘Primaparete’ Galleria S. Fedele, Milano
‘Mostra del premio Maurizio Marchese’ Roma
1996 ‘Arte in Comune, Comune in Arte’ Bologna
2005-2022 Art Basel, Basilea
Art Basel Miami
Maastricht Art Fair
London Art Fair
Frieze London
Vienna Art Fair
Cologne Art Fair
Karlsruhe Art Fair
Affordable Art Fair London
Arte Fiera Bologna
2007 Artist in Residence: Monash University Studio, Melbourne, AU
2001 Artist in Residence: Paris Studio; Cité Internationale des Arts, Parigi
Society and Waterstones Artbook Prize
2000 TI Budapest Travel Award
1999 John Crane New York Travel Award
John Crane USA Travel Award
Daler-Rowney Prize for Drawing
1998-2000 John Crane Italy Scholarship, RCA
(Borsa di Studio per MA-Royal College of Art di Londra, per unico studente tra tutte le Accademie Italiane)
British Airways, Londra – Milano
Royal College of Art, Londra
Bank of America, Londra
Financial Services Authority, Londra
David Bowie Collection, Londra
ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam
Novart, Basilea
Monash University, Faculty of Art & Design, Melbourne
Pinacoteca Civica di Como
Collezione Agnelli, Roma
Izzi & Partners Collection
(Falck Collection Renzo Piano Project)
Chillington Hall Collection
Gabinetto di disegni e stampe, Accademia delle Belle Arti di Bologna
1998-2000 Master, Royal College of Art, Londra
1993-98 Diploma (voto: 110 e lode), Accademia delle Belle Arti di Bologna
1988-92 Diploma, Liceo Artistico Arcangeli di Bologna