“Comedy” di Ariel Soulé
Almach Art Gallery presents “comedy” di Ariel Soulé
8ight painted comedies. an oktameron, representing a reality recreated through a sequence that acquires the force of a personal and intimate cosmic rhythm.
In this sense, the art gallery becomes a place of storytelling.
Considering life as a comedy is not the theme, but the allegory
8eight works as isolated fragments that can be considered as single units, but are not. they are components whose only meaning is to be sought in their relationship to the whole.
The Artist
Ariel Soulé is an artist who has made the internationality of his projects his strength. impressive works in terms of size and perception, in front of which one ‘has’ to stop and reflect on the artist's search for a universality of thought, declined from time to time according to the artist's needs. each panel expresses its own thought autonomously and the whole constitutes another in a vortex of almost infinite combinations, as these are given not by the mere number of objects, but by the variable of the individual viewers.

Ariel Soulé Vertigo 2020 - 180x143 olio su tela
The paintings are endowed with the highest capacity for abstraction but, at the same time, induced to unleash their power of evocation by dilating mental and symbolic registers.
Ariel Soulé has been painting and drawing since the early sixties, when, at a very young age, he was admitted to the courses of theInstituto Directores de Arte di Buenos Airesthe multidisciplinary school founded by his father in 1959. In 1967 he moved to Escuela Massana de ArteHere he was introduced to colour theory, through the studies of Goethe, Itten and Hofmann, and became interested in the study of Gothic art. In the 1970s, Soulé lived in Italy, where the complexity of the arts was widespread. He studied at theAccademia di Brera in Milan, where he developed a visual language, abstract and abstracting, which was to be the theoretical and practical basis for his artistic work. At Brera Soulé can study the Rinascimentowhich would greatly influence his work: on a three-month study trip to Tuscany, he admired its most remarkable masterpieces.

Ariel Soulé Un mondo altro 2020 - 180x143cm olio su tela

Ariel Soulé I poeti e la luna 2020 - 180x143cm olio su tela

Ariel Soulé Oberon 2020 - 180x143cm olio su tela

Ariel Soulé, Alessandro Castelli, Silvia Marcantoni Taddei, Massimo Sannelli

It is always a pleasure for me to curate an exhibition of a profound artist like Ariel Soulé.
Profound in his preparation, his knowledge, his craftsmanship and, last but not least, his granting of friendship.
An important event, to be followed, admired and visited.
For the realisation of the performance ‘Comedy’ we thank Silvia Marcantoni Taddei and Massimo Sannelli (actors), Alessandro Castelli (musician), Laura Lobetti Bodoni (musica intro), Vittoria Basile (regia), Elia Panori (riprese), Barbara Basile (ufficio stampa).
Project by Ariel Soulé
Copyright for images, music and videos Almach Art srl

Ariel Soulé The First Lesson 2020 - 180x143cm olio su tela

Ariel Soulé Utopia dello specchio 2020 - 180x143cm olio su tela