Urbex is the english acronym for urban exploration and is an activity that consists of searching for and locating abandoned infrastructure with the aim of visiting, photographing and conveying its contents, with particular involvement of methodologies from geography, anthropology, sociology to cultural studies.

Around these concepts moves the work of Daniela Gullotta who, starting precisely from the research of old factories, abandoned churches, mostly dilapidated historical monuments, sublimates them on the pictorial surface creating images of an intense introspective force.


Endless line Galileo tecnica mista su tela 2024 - 100x100cm


The artist, with decisive brushstrokes and marks, makes his vibrant presence felt, restoring vitality to buildings that seem empty, but in reality still pulsating with potential creative energy.

From historic architecture she extracts forms laden with the important past, with images that seem to make them appear almost like mirages in the desert and in which "her" Bologna is often found in the tunnel-like perspectives that recall its famous porticoes, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Interior 1 90x90cm mixed media on wood - 2018

“ex Falck” mixed media on wood 2017 - 80x200cm

Splendid then are the seemingly empty interiors that seem to be inhabited by alchemical poets whose verses disguise truth and beauty to shallow eyes.

Instead, reminders of the not-so-distant past are conveyed to us in the works dedicated to the Velasca Tower in Milan, recently restored and returned to the city..

Fabbrica 2 200×140 cm tecnica mista su legno – 2018

Her works have been in the past approached to the works of Anselm Kiefer (b. 1945) and Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1770), but in Gullotta's paintings the absence of color makes the spaces particularly ethereal, allowing them to be ideally lifted to new places and to new life..

Torre velasca 80x55cm mixed media on wood – 2023

Arch of Septimius Severus 40x40cm t.m. on slate - 2010

Temple of Antoninus and Faustina 40x40cm t.m. on slate - 2010

Pantheon 2 40x40cm t.m. on slate - 2010

Fontana di Trevi 15 3⁄4in x 15 3⁄4in t.m. su ardesia – 2010

This is the summary of Daniela Gullotta's work: exploration, discovery, memorization and re-presentation of ancient or historicized and, in many cases, almost forgotten images.

All through the creation of works that are "strong" in terms of the visual impact given by the subject matter and in many cases the important size, necessary to better allow us a deep immersion in them.


stairway 1 90x130cm t.m. on wood - 2017

Pantheon 170x150cm t.m. on wood - 2010

We often speak of a "brain drain," but in this case we are really happy to say that it is a "comeback," and an important one: an artist of international caliber who has decided to entrust her return to her homeland to almach art gallery in milan, while maintaining a connection with important galleries, such as marlborough fine art in london and galerie koch in hanover.

Almach Art Gallery is pleased to embrace this commitment, with the responsibility and conviction to express the extreme potential Daniela Gullotta brings.

Interior 90x130cm mixed media on wood - 2017

Tower bridge 80x200cm mixed media on wood - 2014

Luca Temolo Dall'Igna with Daniela Gullotta
